The healthiest diets we can follow in 2017
If among your purposes for the new year is pending to achieve a diet of better quality and adequate amount to protect the body in all its senses, today we tell you what are the healthiest diets that we can follow in 2017.
Analyzing the diets of the countries Whose inhabitants have better health, we show you what are the healthiest diets in the world that we can imitate in this year to take care of our body inside and out.
Mediterranean diet
The diet of the people of the Mediterranean region allows their inhabitants to have a life expectancy above the world average of approximately 72 years, and this has been shown by American scientists a couple of years ago when concluding that the Mediterranean diet lengthens telomeres Or part of the chromosomes with coding DNA that influences the life of each cell, and this is associated with better health and more longevity.
Also, previous research linked the Mediterranean diet with a 30% lower risk of death than the general population.
As if that were not enough, the diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and nuts can offer many other health benefits, so it is one of the healthiest diets we can follow and we recommend to imitate in 2017.
Japanese Okinawa Diet
The Japanese diet is responsible for the largest percentage of centenarians in the world and their population has the highest life expectancy.
Based on whole grains, variety of fruits and vegetables, fish, vegetables and nuts, this diet allows its inhabitants to have very low rates of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
In addition, the diet is rich in several antioxidants which are also responsible for the good health and great life expectancy that its inhabitants possess.
Like the Mediterranean diet, the Japanese Okinawa diet includes very little processed foods, high in sodium and sugars, and also incorporates a very low proportion of red meat (1x per week on average).
French diet
The French paradox in terms of food has recently been studied to understand how in France, where the diet includes foods with saturated fats like cheese and meats and also, alcohol derived from wine, there are such low rates of obesity and cardiovascular diseases.
Apparently the key is in quantity since, despite the poor quality of the food predominant in their usual diet, their good health is based on the small rations they consume.
Unlike the classic Western diet, the French consume on average 100 grams less of food in each intake and this, may be enough to avoid the excess weight and fat in the body as well as all its negative consequences.
The characteristics of the healthiest diets in the world that we can imitate
These are three of the healthiest diets in the world that leave us different aspects that we can imitate if we want to improve our diet in 2017. For example:
High amount of unsaturated fats: in the Mediterranean diet starring nuts, fish and olive oil and in the Japanese diet for fish especially and seeds as well.
Great variety of fruits and vegetables: both in the Mediterranean diet and in the Japanese there are variety of vegetables that are consumed daily, including vegetables, fruits, seaweed and others.
Scarce amount of processed foods: prioritizing seasonal products and fresh foods, without any label. The healthiest diets in the world include a low proportion of processed foods.
Low proportion of red meat: the high consumption of fish greatly reduces the proportion of other meats consumed. Above all, in these diets, a low intake of red meat stands out.
Careful amounts: in the French diet in which quality is not the most remarkable, it is fundamental the amount that is consumed to take care of the health of the organism enjoying pleasant foods. This is a feature to emphasize and imitate in our diet this 2017: smaller and moderate portions all the time.
Predominance of whole grains and whole grains: when we remove processed foods we easily begin to include more fiber, but consuming more legumes, whole grains, seeds and the like is key to improving our diet this new year.
These are the healthiest diets we can follow in 2017 or at least imitate their main characteristics with the goal of living more and better with the help of a more nutritious and balanced diet.
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